My Story

My Path Towards Mindfulness

I have had some traumatic experiences of loss and big life changes.
I was secretly falling apart and hiding behind a smile.
I lost my spark and felt disconnected from my true self.
My inability to ask for help left my mind, body and soul feeling battered and bruised.

After reading many self help books and exploring ways to support my own physical and mental health, I got the urge to try meditation, which I began practising regularly. Meditation transported me from feeling isolated to feeling connected. Practising mindfulness changed the way I respond to stress. While mindfulness cannot fix our lives, it can support us in responding to our circumstances from a place of compassion. I completed my teaching diploma in mindfulness and positive psychology with the Irish Mindfulness Academy. I am very passionate about supporting people to understand and learn ways to heal and regulate their nervous systems in a safe and nurturing environment.

Life will be hard at times. We can blame ourselves, we can blame others or we can even blame life itself. However, all of our life experiences, whether they be good or bad and our experiences of love, sorrow and loss, shape us and make us who we are.

Mindfulness is not about stopping, suppressing or forgetting our thoughts. It is about changing our relationship with them.

Life does not always work out the way we planned it. It does not always go our way. This journey of life is filled with lessons, some of the strongest people are the ones who have endured the most painful darkest of days in their lives.

Mindfulness and meditation saved me and restored my mental health. Life will throw more struggles at me, but I have the tools and awareness now to deal with them. Mindfulness has taught me that through the hardest times, your heart learns its most important lessons. It is never too late to open your heart and mind. I have found a way to get in touch with my best self. I have found a way in life to heal my pain, turn back and help others. Mindfulness has given me the tools and awareness to turn my thoughts onto brighter paths.

Life is so busy. Modern life is so fast. This course is your opportunity to let go and embrace the beauty of the present moment. Permit yourself to slow down and make a change.

Happiness is an inside job. Do not be afraid to get back up and live again.

Your life is way too important.

Much love.
